Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jamie Oliver presents "Good Eats" (or not so good eats)

            I think Jamie Oliver presented an enthusiastic presentation on obesity and how it affects our nation’s children.
            Overall I believe that most of the information brought forth by Mr. Oliver was informative at best.  After reading Fast Food Nation, and much research for the upcoming research paper, I feel that he delivered a mediocre speech.  I know I may seem critical, but I just sat through 20 minutes of old news.  You know who he reminded me of?  He reminded me of the chef guy from Hell’s Kitchen.  He was very animated and passionate undoubtedly, but it just seemed over exaggerated.
            Some interesting points that really stuck out to me were: 1) smoking cigarettes is cheaper than being obese!!! I mean really? I thought I had expensive habits.  2) how much sugar and fast food our schools really serve our children. (1 box of milk = 1 12oz can of soda) What really made me think was the wheel barrel full of sugar cubes to illustrate exactly how much sugar the schools are giving our children.
            I don’t think that I will be using any information from this particular speech for my research paper; however, I will definitely be sharing this video with a couple of my friends. 


  1. Hmm I didn't see his speech but those are interesting facts.

  2. I like jamie olivers video the best.

  3. Jamie Oliver made interesting points and you could really see his dedication with the pictures and videos he included in his speech.

  4. Even if smoking cigarettes is cheaper it is still something tht slowly kills people... I don't know which is worse.

  5. Not gonna lie, I kinda just like Jamie Oliver for his accent. lol. Whatever works!

  6. Lol..Jamie Oliver is a chef. He has had specials on tv before. I can see how smoking is cheaper but they are equally as bad in my opinion.

  7. I loved his video more than the other two! He was very passionate about it all.

  8. I have to say I think Jamie was the most entertaining than the other two videos.
