Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jamie Oliver presents "Good Eats" (or not so good eats)

            I think Jamie Oliver presented an enthusiastic presentation on obesity and how it affects our nation’s children.
            Overall I believe that most of the information brought forth by Mr. Oliver was informative at best.  After reading Fast Food Nation, and much research for the upcoming research paper, I feel that he delivered a mediocre speech.  I know I may seem critical, but I just sat through 20 minutes of old news.  You know who he reminded me of?  He reminded me of the chef guy from Hell’s Kitchen.  He was very animated and passionate undoubtedly, but it just seemed over exaggerated.
            Some interesting points that really stuck out to me were: 1) smoking cigarettes is cheaper than being obese!!! I mean really? I thought I had expensive habits.  2) how much sugar and fast food our schools really serve our children. (1 box of milk = 1 12oz can of soda) What really made me think was the wheel barrel full of sugar cubes to illustrate exactly how much sugar the schools are giving our children.
            I don’t think that I will be using any information from this particular speech for my research paper; however, I will definitely be sharing this video with a couple of my friends. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Three Influential People in My Life

            What can I say about my grandma Shirley? As far as a description goes, just scroll down to the bottom of this blog to see a current picture of her and me.  When it comes to personality, she’s out of this world.  What intrigues me the most about her is her patience and unconditional love for her family.  No matter what someone does or says, or whatever circumstance we find ourselves in, she is right there encouraging us forward without passing judgment or making us feel worse than we already do.  Now don’t get me wrong, she may not pass judgment on us in our folly, but she WILL tell us her opinion and offer suggestions for improvement along the way. (Don’t tell her, but nine times out of ten; she is right).  I am learning now that I need to cherish every moment that we are together. She just turned 81 this past August and since then her health has begun to falter.  I find it ironic that when I started my life in this world she would watch over me, making sure I ate, slept and had clean clothes and as she is nearing the end of her life the roles have changed. I count it a privilege to be there for her in any way I can.

Another important person in my life is my best friend Jesus.  He is all but 5 foot 7 inches average type of guy. He may not be all that tall, but what he may lack in height, he more than makes up for it with HEART.  It is not too often that someone can say about someone else, “Man he/she has heart”.  By definition, according to me (and urban dictionary) to have heart is to be courageous or brave. Another translation calls it giving it your all.  He definitely fits into all of the above.  Not only can he kick butt should the need arise, he also falls into the other side of having heart.  He is the most self-less individual that I have ever met. I have watched him sacrifice his own wants and needs for the sake of other family members or friends.  I have seen him repeatedly get taken advantage of by the same people because his kindness is mistaken for weakness.  He is important to me because I feel that everyone needs someone in their life that will tell them the truth no matter what, even if it offends or feelings get hurt.  He definitely fulfills that role well!

            I think the final person that plays a key role in my life would be my uncle Paul.  He is my mom’s brother. For being in his late 50s he looks great. Not a grey hair on his head, no wrinkles, and still a low pro freak. It must be the American Indian blood.  He has a blunt, but dry sense of humor.  Paul is always offering his opinions and suggestions to me.  And when I take his advice, I usually do alright for myself.  He is generous as well. One day he just came over and gave me a computer and he didn’t stop there he then followed through with a laptop when I began school.  He is important to me because he is probably the only positive male role model I have or ever had.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


            So after reading Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, I am no longer the same person. Who knew that so much went on behind the scenes of a Quarter Pounder?  I always thought that each individual burger was just that; from an individual cow.  Boy was I surprised to learn that it is not composed of just one cow, but possibly many cows.  Did I mention the pigs, dogs, cat, etc.?

            Since I read this book, I have made some changes for my own life. First of all, I was riding the fence as far fast food and my eating habits.  I wasn’t totally sold out to healthy eating until I finished reading the section about what’s in our meat. I officially jumped over that fence!  I have to admit that I have also become somewhat of an advocate for eating at home and abstaining from these fast food places.  Of course not everyone is that easy to convince.

            One of the issues that caught my attention was the farms where the meats originate.  I am not one of those gung-ho “save the whales” type of guy, but I am concerned about the sanitary aspect of their environments.  So I am looking forward to our big research paper coming up because I chose to do it on these factory farms and who knows, I may end up a vegetarian? . . . . On second thought, nah I have to have a steak every once in a while!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Eh-du-ma-kay-shun & me


            Well let me start off this week’s blog by confirming everyone’s suspicions, yes I am afraid of roller coasters!  I went to Magic Mountain about three weeks ago and was reminded just how much I hate them.  I’m not sure, but I must look like a wimp because everybody was able to guess which one of my lies was the truth?


            This is the first time that I have been a full-time student in over 11 years. At first I was terrified to return to a student status.  When I was growing up I wasn’t really a big fan of school, other than school dances and the girls.  (I liked the dances not because I like to dance, but because of the girls that went to the dances).  In elementary school I did well and enjoyed learning.  When I started middle school, I still had that appreciation for education and continued to do well, however, something changed for me in the seventh grade and things began to change.  I can make assumptions about why or who was to blame, but I don’t because, it is what it is.  By the time I started high school, I was looking for any reason not to go to school.  I cut every corner possible in order to do less work and get home quickly as I could.  As soon as I turned 18 years old, I dropped out and went to work full time working several jobs.  School became nothing but a memory that I buried deep within myself in hopes of never seeing again. 

            Fast forward nine years, I am working the most mind numbing job in the world pulling orders for a metaphysical book publishing company.  My good friend and Nino begins to plant the seed that I should go back to school and pursue the career that I have always felt I would be good at.  Of course I laughed, and then told him, “thanks, but no thanks”.  Another year or two passes, and once again I am working a job that made me absolutely miserable.  I was serving food at a cafĂ© inside a corporate building that employs hundreds of biological scientists and doctors and I kept thinking to myself, I should be on their side of the cash register.  Heck I’m pretty sure that I am just as smart, if not smarter than half of those people.  That is when it hit me, I need to go to college and do something with my life!

            This is my first semester attending school full-time and I thoroughly enjoy every aspect of it.  My thoughts originally were that this was going to be a challenge, but I can do it.  I was particularly afraid of math; I knew nothing about math and cringed at the thought of computing numbers.  I figured I would have the most trouble with that class, boy was I wrong.  My math teacher rocks!  Mr. Bates somehow makes math fun and his teaching techniques are effective.  I look forward to being in that class, and sometimes even my homework.  I have to admit, before the semester began, I had a cocky attitude about taking English.  Although I did less than satisfactory in school growing up, English was always a subject that I did well in.  So I figured this class would be a breeze for me, this time I was really wrong!!!  Of all my classes, this has to be the most challenging with the online assignments and one essay after another, not to mention citations.  Who cites anyways??  Just kidding Mrs. Croker ;)  I am also taking P.E. and Spanish.  My Spanish teacher is so sweet, not to mention patient.

            I know that this is just the beginning of a very long road that I must travel on to get to where I want to be.  I believe if I can stay focused on my ultimate goal and not allow myself to get sidetracked, like I tend to do, someday I will be able to have the life that I always wanted.  Several factors keep me motivated and pressing onward.  The first is the fear of ending up like my parents; I don’t want to live my life the way they lived theirs.  The second is the hope of my grandma someday seeing me graduate from college and her having the peace of mind that I will be okay in life.

Saturday, October 23, 2010



1)  I have had plastic surgery once in my life.

2)  I’m going to Europe in December.

3)  I am the oldest of three children.

4)  I am seriously afraid of roller coasters.

5)  I just purchased a truck.

6)  I have three tattoos.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Up In Smoke?

Marijuana:  Should We Reform Laws Prohibiting Its Use?

            Legalizing marijuana or as what most refer to as “weed,” has been a debate for some time now.  Americans from every class of society has its view on how this issue should be handled.  With any difficult decision, there are some things that must be considered.  First let’s look at the pros and the cons of marijuana use and the effects it has on our society. 

            People in general refer to marijuana as the “stepping stone” drug which is one of the primary arguments for those who oppose legalizing cannabis.  Another argument is that it is unhealthy for those who use it.  Personally I have to agree with both of these statements. 

            Those who support this venue argue that those who are suffering from serious illness’ can find relief from discomfort when under the influence of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis.  Others say that the government would be able to tax the import and export of marijuana if it were legal.  Still others feel that if cannabis were legal, it would free up our law enforcement agencies to pursue much serious drug trafficking. 

There are a million reasons why legalizing marijuana should not be allowed, all I need is one.  I don’t think that legalizing marijuana should be permitted.  I used to smoke weed a lot and I do know where its habitual use takes a person.  To those who say that legalizing marijuana would bring profit for our nation, I say to you, “Do we really want to live in a country that makes its money from drug trafficking?”  I understand that those who are gravely ill benefit from its use, and I believe that medicinal marijuana should be allowed by prescription only.  But even then, so many people know how to work the system and abuse it one way or another.  I think once all the facts are out on the table, our legislators and the voters should make an ultimate decision for the future of marijuana in our country today.